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Color Run Race Day Details (subject to change)


  • Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024


  • Location: Outside, behind the school building and adjacent to the playground


  • Race Schedule:

    • 1st Grade: 9:25 - 10:10

    • Kindergarten: 10:10 -10:55

    • Junior Kindergarten: 10:55 - 11:25

    • 3rd Grade: 11:25 - 12:10

    • 2nd Grade: 1:15 - 2:00

    • 4th Grade: 2:00 - 2:45

    • 5th Grade: 2:45 - 3:30​



  • Race Day Events:

    • During their block of time, students will participate in a warm-up, the run itself where students will run around a course while washable colored powder will be gently tossed on them and clean-up.

    • If your child does not want to have washable colored powder tossed on them, tell your teacher.  There will be a volunteer on the race course to assist those students.


  • What Students Need to Bring & Wear to School:

    • Send your student to school in play clothes or old clothes and running shoes.  Wear a long sleeve shirt if the weather is chilly.

    • On race day, students will receive a Country Oaks t-shirt to wear over their clothes.  The colored t-shirt will be sent home in a closed grocery bag.

    • Students need to bring a water bottle to school. 

    • Your student may wear goggles, glasses or a bandana during the race.


  • Volunteers NEEDED and THANK YOU!

    • You must have a Criminal Record Check (CRC) form on file in the office by the first week of school to volunteer for the Color Run.

    • Please check-in at the volunteer table. At the volunteer table you will be told where to go for your assignment.  Once you are at your specific assignment we will explain everything you need to know.  

    • Please wear colorful clothing, a cape or other fun, colorful accessories.  


  • Spectators - Join Us for the Race & Cheer on Your Child!

    • Please sign-in and pick up your visitors badge at the table at the entrance to the main playground. Do not go into the school building.

    • Please only park in the parking lot or along Duck Lake Rd. DO NOT park in the in the parking spots that the pick up line utilizes.

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