PTA Points of Pride
Thank you for your generosity - take a peek at what YOUR dollars supported in the most recent school years!
Spring Fair
School family social event that is coordinated and operated by PTA volunteers
School-Wide Assemblies (2024-2025 schedule)
Guy Louis - Culture of Kindness
Emmy Kastner, Author
Baffling Bill Magic Show - Magic of Reading
Science Alive
Basketball Jones
Our social emotional learning dog
Evening Traveling Folders
PTA provided each student in the school with a durable plastic folder that they transport homework, completed schoolwork, teacher newsletters, flyers, etc to and from home.
Holiday Shop
“Store” hosted at the school in December where students are assisted by volunteers in shopping for friends and family for $1 item gifts (Students pay for gifts and volunteers help kids shop and wrap).
Field Trip Transportation
PTA provides transportation to bused field trips.
5th Grade Celebration
5th grade students get to celebrate the end of their elementary school education with games and a lock to practice on for middle school lockers.
Scholastic Book Fair (2 Annually)
Profits replenish library and classroom bookshelves. “Buy one get one” spring book fair provides big discounts to all shoppers.
Movie Day
PTA hosted Family Movie at Milford Cinema
Family Rollerskating Night
PTA hosted 80’s themed rollerskating night at Bonaventure.
“One School One Book”
PTA provided the book “Midas Touch” for the tire school.
PTA provided the book “8 class pets plus 1 dog plus 1 squirrel equals chaos” for every student in the school. ​​
Pancakes with My Peeps
Community events where students have the chance to their family to school in the morning to enjoy a pancake dinner after school.
5th Grace Camp Scholarship Fund
Provides assistance with classroom, lunch, and 5th-grade camp needs.
Sunshine Fund
Used to provide small gifts for COE families in their immediate time of loss.
Literature Enrichment
The Novel Effect program for the Library. ​
Music Enrichment
3rd Grade Field Trip to Lakeland High School to listen to HVS Band preform.
PE Enrichment
Purchased new playground structure to be installed in summer of 2023
Purchased new balls and equipment for recess
Purchased stencils and paint for playground
5th Grade Field Trip
5th-grade students go on a field trip to Mystic Creek Golf Club where they learn the basics of golf from a pro and have a chance to play mini-golf with their classmates. Pizza party follows​
Technology Enrichment
Purchased 300 Headphones and Mice so every child has their own set with their assigned chromebook
Partially funded Mrs. Rennie’s donor choose program to provide Green room equipment.
Art Enrichment
Purchased 2 four ft by twelve ft bulletin boards for displaying student’s artwork.
Clay for class
4th Grade field trip to Detroit Institute of Arts
Parent-Teacher Conference Dinners
Provided dinners and "survival" goodie bags for both nights of parent/teacher conferences to staff​
Welcome Back Ice Cream Social
PTA hosts a “welcome back to school” social ice cream party at the end of the summer where students can meet their teacher, get reacquainted with friends, and have ice cream.
Birthday Books
Every student in the school receives a Birthday book on their special day signed by the Principal
PTA meetings
Hold meetings with the school Principal and a teacher representative where ideas are generated, channels of communication are opened and events and programs are discussed and voted on
Student Leadership Team
Supports programs developed by this student-led group. Programs differ each year
Stipend for Classrooms
Each year the PTA provides a sum of money to each classroom to purchase supplies that are not provided by State funds. This money would otherwise come out of the teacher's pockets.
Staff Appreciation Week
Every spring the PTA hosts a celebration for our great staff. This week differs year to year but typically includes a luncheon, coffee, bagels, small gifts, candy, recognition letters from the students, etc.​​
Shoots, designs, and creates annual COE yearbook available for purchase
Spirit Wear
Coordinates and organizes the ability to purchase COE wearables
Fundraisers with National Businesses
Kroger Community Rewards - sign up online via your Kroger card and the school receives cash rewards when you shop​​